Talking courage with Andrea Scher of Superhero Life

One of the people I was keen to interview for the Courageous Living Program was Andrea Scher of Superhero Life. I knew that courage was central to her work, and I wanted to learn more about how she brought courage to the forefront of her life.

In this short snippet, Andrea shares about her specific approach to practicing courage and bringing to fruition the things that she desires for her life. In the full conversation available to CLP users, Andrea and I talk about:

  • Practicing courage for moms–what to do when you’re anxious or tired but you don’t want to completely release your commitment to courage

  • The courage to embrace your choices (even if they’re not what you thought)

  • Confronting the fear of being “ordinary”

  • What to do when other people are triggered because you’re stepping out and living your life full-on


How "fearless" is the new perfectionism


How to use fear (so that it stops using you)